This week has been quite eventful. On Monday Eliana had her Surgery to remove her Tonsils and adenoids. We entered the hospital at 6:00 am on Monday and quickly got sent to a room.
While we waited the Nurse said Ana could go to the play room. It took Eliana a little while to get used to her environment . As soon as she did, I know her mind was taken off of why she was at the hospital and on to having fun !
Eliana loves playing with this toy |
After about 30 minutes of playing in the playroom we were called back to her room. When we got there Eliana was giving a medication to sedate her. She drank her medicine and we noticed her start to get a little drowsy. At first she seemed tired then she got kooky lol. The weird thing is that she started seeing bugs? Yes, BUGS! Bee's , butterflies, ants... I was thinking is this normal? he he he. However , the situation Quickly turned for the worse. She had calmed down a little bit and before she went into surgery she had a seizure. Her daddy and I were in the room with her talking to her then all of a sudden she looks upward to the ceiling and stops responding. We kept calling her name but she didn't acknowledge it. We were afraid and almost called for the doctors when she came out of it.
If anyone knows someone who has seizures you know that time feels as though it stands still, and those seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours... Although her seizure was fairly on the short side of the spectrum, it felt like forever... after about 20 seconds she came out of it and resumed what she was doing and that was checking out the bugs she was seeing...
It was surgery time... They wheeled off our Eliana to surgery. We were pretty worried considering our baby just had a seizure right before leaving. Momma and Daddy got a quick bite to eat and waited...and waited and waited. After 30 minutes it was time to see our Eliana. The doctor told us her Adenoids and Tonsils were very enlarged and the removing them should help with her sleep apnea .

We got to see her and she was still heavily sedated. When she was trying to wake up she was really combative. She was kicking and screaming and trying to get out of the bed. So Daddy held her and was trying to talk to her and let her know we were there and not to be afraid. It took her a while to come out of it but when she did she was ok. She was crying and complaining of the pain but no seizures.

Because of her history with seizures and severity of them they kept her in ICU to keep a close on her . She was hooked up to an IV while we were there to keep her hydrated . She drank a little bit and tried some Jello but for the most part she was getting her rest.

Once the medication wore off all the pain came. She was in so much pain. I wish in that moment I could just take it all away. She would get her pain meds every 4 hours. It seemed to help for the first couple hours then that was it. Eliana would fall asleep holding her throat saying it hurt. She slept Nearly the entire day and night.

Tuesday Morning came around she was discharged. She did good throughout the night and was given the green light to go home ! Daddy came to pick us from the Hospital.
She was happy .

Off she goes to recover
at home. Thank you everyone for all the prayers , The Surgery was a success and now for the recovery...