Sunday, December 9, 2012

Eliana and Autism?

Autism could be possibility...
                                                        Eliana at one month old

              A a lot has gone on since our last post. We've learned that Eliana's teacher has requested an intervention with other teachers in hopes of finding news ways to reach Eliana and help her learn more efficiently at school.  After weeks trying different tactics the end results is the same as it was in the beginning. Eliana's teacher has also told us that Eliana is not participating in the classroom activities. For instance, when ever the class is doing a group project Eliana will "wander" off and start randomly cleaning things and will stay far away from everyone.  She doesn't  seem to grasp simple concepts or instructions, she just seems to "blank out" or constantly come up to her teacher for direction.  
Eliana at the local Christmas parade
  The Word Autism has been thrown around a bit and her Daddy and myself has been talking about it and had some concerns but when Eliana's teacher came to us expressing the same concerns we knew we had to do something.  This past week we had taken Eliana to the doctor for an Autism Screening. Typically all the signs Eliana is displaying  would point to someone who has Autism, However, in our Eliana's case it's a little different.  Because Eliana does have Epilepsy the doctor thinks she may be have lots of little seizures,  Like her brain is constantly misfiring and is cause her to have gaps of time missing. This does seem that it may be the case because Eliana did have her first noticeable seizure at school this week.  On the Tuesday  morning Eliana had a small seizure in which has lost her bladder control , What triggered her seizure? She had friend come over ... It was a small change in her everyday routine that caused Eliana to have her Seizure. That day we took Eliana to school , and she was fine when we dropped her off.  Eventually I got a call from the nurse concerned that Eliana may of had a seizure.  I quickly went to the school and found out that their was a substitute in her class room.  Again, something out of Eliana's normal Routine triggered the seizure.  The teacher found her in one of the play centers crying and had another accident.  When she was taken to the nurse she was kind of in a daze. So, she has been having little seizures and they're not as controlled as we thought they were, but we still wonder why is she doing the strange things that she does? The random cleaning, staying away from groups of people, doesn't interact well with others and "clam up" with loud noises? She at times can be distant and sometimes not even playing with her own sisters but be alone in a room. The doctor thinks it will be a good idea that we take Eliana to a Autism Specialist to see what really is going on. Meanwhile, she will be going to the hospital to get her tested for any gene mutations or disorders that the doctors think she may have and may be associated with her seizures and her delays.  We will be taking her this week to do those tests.  We will also be taking Eliana to her neurologist to talk about her most recent seizures and her stuttering and see why it has gotten so much worse. There's still many  unanswered questions.  We believe we will get answers but most of all we believe that our Eliana will be cured.  Until then we will continue to fight for her and support her throughout this tough time.  It's hard for a parent to see your child go through such difficulty.  When holding our Ana as a baby and looking at her we never would've thought Eliana would be go through this.  GOD has blessed her with an abundance of strength and with that courage and the ability to overcome. She has done so this far and we know it will continue. 

We will start the process in getting Eliana transferred in to her new Special Education Class room this week which entails meetings and evaluations.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Speech and Special Ed

With Epilepsy you  never know what you are going to get.  It's a minute by minute type of life... Well, for a parent it's more like a second to second type of life.  You never know what is going to happen.. " Is she going to have a seizure?"what if , what if , what if... OR you may get to the "comfortable" stage, you know that stage where everything has been going good, no seizures and you start to let your guard down.  And it never fails that's when it hits... A seizure or in this case some news.

 We have been comfortable with Eliana, feeling pretty good that her seizures are pretty well maintained, which they have been .  But, we forgot about the " after effects"  and how her life may be changed by her seizures going uncontrolled for so long.  We saw that side in October. The side where we noticed speech complications, to where she is stuttering with every word of her sentence.  Now we knew she stuttered , but it seems like as soon as she started having seizure control this issue came about and stronger than ever.   Her stuttering has gotten so bad at times its hard for her to complete her sentences. But , that is not all, Her Pre-K teacher came to be with a great deal of concern for our Eliana.  She presumes to tell me that Eliana is having difficulty in her class.  She seems to instantaneously forgot things.  Her teacher will explain a task to her and she forgets with in seconds.  Her Pre-K teacher has tried different tactics to help Eliana and has even asked other teachers for advise, but she still continues to have problems.  It's not behavioral it's that she is not able to grasp the concept.  She also says a lot of the time Eliana is in her class and she is just completely " out of it" and she doesn't know what is going on. Her teacher advised that Eliana goes into full-time Special Ed now. Which was a big pill to swallow, but I know it's for her own good.
      I remember walking in to her class room and see the room full of colorful drawings and kids writing letters and their names but there was always a blank paper on the wall , with little to no drawing, coloring on it, and that was Eliana's... and I knew it was hers.  It made me teary eyed to see that she wasn't doing what the other kids were doing.  That is one of the last things you want to see is that your child is falling behind. I still wonder if it is her medication that is making her feel and act like that or what.  I guess we will have to see.  We are awaiting the Meeting with the Special Education department so they can re-evaluate her. 
 So it's another waiting game...
But no matter what I will always support her, be there for her, help her and love her with all that I have. ALWAYS! To me , she is my Eliana and she is PERFECT

Love always ,

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ana had a Seizure last night

Last night will mark the first time Eliana has had a seizure in over a month. I'm not sure what triggered her seizure. Maybe the excitement of playing with her new doggy ,( that she absolutely loves by the way) perhaps having her grandpa here or maybe she was just tired.
Eliana was playing with the puppy then all of a sudden stopped moving and starting staring off. I was calling her name but nothing , no response or any sign that she could here me. This one lasted a 10 seconds then after she became very emotional and started to cry. Then she told me she didn't feel good. I hope this little episode isn't the first to a cluster of Seizures. Because if you know someone who has seizures at times the seizures come in "clusters".
Once it was time to go to bed she fell right to sleep. However, she had so much trouble sleeping. All night she was waking up, not even crying just up. The light sleeper I am , I felt her get up and I would immediately watch her incase of seizure activity. Thank you Jesus she didn't have any.

I hope and pray she will not have anymore seizures! She has been doing well and she has had such good seizure control.

Keep fighting Baby Girl! You're doing great in the Fight!
We Love you #elianasfight

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Custom Epilepsy Awareness Pin giveaway

To be entered : follow my daughters blog and take a pic wearing purple , make a sign or anything you want to show your support for Epilepsy and tag it #elianafight on twitter and/or instagram . Become a loyal blog follower and you will get 2 entries on the next contest ! I will post the winner at #elianasfight. Please contact me You have 2 days to respond or I will choose someone else. #elianasfight #epilepsy #foracure #needacure #supportepilepsy #epilepsyawareness #theprincessneedsacure #purpleribbon

Epilepsy Awareness bows and pins

Epilepsy Awareness Month is in November , and what better way to show your support for people who suffer from Epilepsy by wearing a Custom made pin or a fun hair accessory ?
I'm currently making custom bottle cap images for Epilepsy Awareness Month . I can incorporate any symbol, any type of phrase or anything your heart desires! The bottle cap will have an Epilepsy awareness ribbon and/or a variation of the phrase Epilepsy Awareness. And on some of the bottle cap images there will a Swarovski Crystal in the image.
I think this would be great foryour place of employment ,church, schools, friends , family and lists go on and on!
I can also incorporate the bottle cap in a hair now for the little Princess in your life.

The Pins will be ONLY $1.00 each and I sell these in batches of 10 (all the same image.) Only $2.00 shipping #elianasfight

As a supporter and a Mother of a Child who suffers from Epilepsy I would like to announce I'm donating 100% of the Proceeds to the Epilepsy Foundation!!!

So help Us in the fight and in the hopes of a CURE! #elianasfight
My daughters story is on You Tube
Eliana's Journey With Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a medical condition that produces seizures affecting a variety of mental and physical functions. It is also called a seizure disorder. When a person has two or more unprovoked seizures, they are considered to have epilepsy. Seizures happen when clusters of nerve cells in the brain signal abnormally, which may briefly alter a person's consciousness, movements or actions.

Epilepsy kills more people annually than breast cancer.

Epilepsy affects over 3 million Americans of all ages – more than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and Parkinson’s disease combined. Almost 500 new cases of epilepsy are diagnosed every day in the United States. Epilepsy affects 50,000,000 people worldwide.

Anyone can develop epilepsy at any age

The mortality rate among people with epilepsy is two to three times higher than the general population and the risk of sudden death is twenty-four times greater.

It is estimated that up to 50,000 deaths occur annually in the U.S. from status epilepticus (prolonged seizures), Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), and other seizure-related causes such as drowning and other accidents


Saturday, October 6, 2012

AMAZING fundraising for Epilepsy Awareness Month

Epilepsy Awareness Month is in November and we're in full swing to make this the most successful year for our fundraising. And to be honest we are off to GREAT START!

The other day I walked into our local Pizza Hut (we are Friday night regulars) to see if they wanted to participate in a fundraiser for Epilepsy Awareness. It just so happens the " Head Hancho" of Pizza Hut was there, So I pitched him the idea of having our School Family Night at the NEW Pizza Hut Dine-In and having a fundraiser for Epilepsy Awareness Month. As I started to explain my daughters story and how this would help our community and every Party involved he said "I'M IN" "Let's Do This, My brother had Epilepsy and he passed away from it" before I could say another word tears were streaming, I was overjoyed that this was going to turn out and benefit so many people!
After I stopped crying I went to explain how eventually my Husband and I want to raise awareness to military families. We are apart of the Wounded Warrior Project Alumni and would love to combine the two organizations together. I looked at him and He said that he was apart of that organization and that he is in charge of the events for the Wounded Warrior Project. I was so shocked! So my husband , myself and Mr Bill Wiggins are going to get together and have another event at another Pizza Hut with the two organizations. Mr. Wiggins has been so generous to donate 20% of everything made from 5pm-8pm on Tuesday's in NOVEMBER (during family night)

Our dream is coming true, bringing Awareness to people who are at risk of Developing Epilepsy and almost merging these two organizations together. I know GOD had his hand in bringing all of this together for The Epilepsy Foundation, our School, Pizza Hut and Community. And if that wasn't enough, Mr Wiggins wants to have a portrait of our family in the Pizza Hut Dine-in!

I will post pictures and more info later in the week:-)

Pizza Hut Dine-In in Horizon City will open this Week!

Support Epilepsy Awareness
Paint it Purple
Leave words of encouragement
And Tag it #elianasfight

Monday, September 24, 2012

Eliana's Fight

I wanted to share with You a HashTag we made for Eliana.


We encourage everyone to show your support for Eliana and Epilepsy by Making a sign, wear purple , leave eliana some words of encouragement , make Eliana's name or the Epilepsy awareness ribbon out of what ever you want, share with us how you support or whatever else you want to do to show your support for Eliana and her fight with Epilepsy! Eliana can't wait to see !!

Let's find a Cure until then Eliana fight on baby Girl!!

Share this on Instagram and twitter!!

God bless !

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Different Eliana...

Throughout the course of her life I've noticed how Epilepsy has effected Eliana.
In the first year of Eliana's life she was progressing as she should. She was walking by 7.5 months talking clearly , cracking jokes and potty trained by one and a half years of age.
Two life threatening seizures later I've
Noticed a HUGE difference In Eliana.
We have notice that she hasn't been talking as much as she used to, she has developed a stutter , she can not seem to retain most information like she is very forgetful or she has delayed reaction to things. She has been evaluated by a therapist earlier this Year and we were told she is delayed in several areas.


Now in Pre-K these delays are posing challenges for Eliana. I was though her seizures were going to be the issue but in all actuality it's the Seizure aftermath that is problematic. We have recently had and review and evaluation for Special Education Class. Last Friday was our meeting and she qualified for Special Ed. In a way it broke my heart because all I could think is how did she get here? How did our bright Eliana get o this point? Then again , I'm very grateful that she has an opportunity to get the help she needs and she will not fall through the cracks.
During the final meeting with the school district , the vice Principal of the school and Eliana's classroom teacher we found out that Eliana has been having a hard time in her classroom. What I mean by that is that Her teacher has told us she doesn't want to participate. She doesn't want to write, color or even try to play with the play dough! Her teacher also mentioned that she has concerns over Eliana's memory. She said she Eliana seems to forget things almost instantly. Which makes things challenging for Eliana just to keep up with the rest of her classmates. She had recently took a state mandated test and failed it.
School work is another issue. Eliana struggles to hold the pencil and have full control over her writing. For her homework I have to do a lot of hand over hand work because of how much she struggles writing on her own. The memory issue is something the school will have to accommodate . Her therapist (Ana calls her Miss Nay) will start to see her Ana more often to give her the help she needs.

Eliana will start a at-home program called Writing without Tears, that her Daddy and myself will Administer to her , she will be in a 30 speech therapy class at school twice a week and the teacher will devise a program for Ana to help remember her tasks and what stations Ana needs to be at.
In addition, I will take Ana to an additional therapy session.

Now all of Eliana's issue have been put in the forefront , and everyone see's what I see, I hope that she will be able to get the assistance she needs and will get. On the path she was on

We Love You Ana. You have came a long way , don't give up ! Mommy and Daddy will always be here for you. You're doing great!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A little cold...

Ana woke up with a cough the other day which really made my heart sink. I was hoping that this little cough was allergies and just may( fingers crossed) go away. Here we are a couple days later and the cough is still here and it's
Getting little worse. I guess it's that time of year where the colds will come and along with the colds in a Epileptic are seizures! Eliana has had so much seizure control over this past month , I just don't want her to backslide. Her little body is so sensitive She has such life threatening seizure with a simple cold.


Honestly , every time I hear a cough or see a sniff I get so worried and get into "staring mode". Staring mode is where I literally watch her constantly. With her past Status Epilepticus seizures she had no warning of the seizure, no noise,movement, breathing NOTHING and the trigger...a simple COLD and body temp of 99.5
Luckily I was there both times to give her CPR and call the ambulance otherwise she wouldn't be here with us today. With everything she has endured I get so scared to have her out of my sight. What if the teacher doesn't react fast enough and we lose her? What if I fall asleep at night and she has her Status seizure in her sleep. Like I said she doesn't move doesn't make a noise, she doesn't even breathe ... All of these thoughts rush through my mind when something Like a simple cold presents it self. Now that she's in school it's just makes it that much more difficult for me because I have ALWAYS been here with her... Well somethings are just out of our hands and in GOD's hands. That is where I should leave it along with the worrying...

With that in mind, yes ,Mommy is going to be in staring mode until the Princess Is feeling better! Lol!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week .
Prayers for my Princess!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Let's wrap this up

Hello everyone, I want to apologize for leaving you hanging like that, the whole experience was just a whirlwind after the last post. I do want to inform you there is a bright side!


After the PET scan the doctors decided to take her into the MRI. So for the MRI You cannot have any leads on so the had to take of her EEG leads before they do the MRI. which means more time being sedated and that made me so nervous. Eventually , like and hour later"eventually" she was finally finished with her MRI. She was wheeled up to her room and proceeded to get her leads for her EEG back on. After the las lead was placed on her she started to wake up, at this time it was already 6:15 pm. My poor baby hasn't eaten all day, I know she is starving! But It was funny because she woke up talking about the Brain instead of food? If you don't know Eliana is so fascinated with the brain and was talking about it. I really thought she would say I'm hungry! ( which she eventually did) Well, to Eliana's surprise when she woke up she had gifts! We bought her this magnetic human body organ puzzle . Oh my her little exhausted face just lite up and she miles her beautiful sleepy smile. But she was in store for more! The doctor came in and gave her his big detailed brain that came apart in quarters and had educational slides with it. Yeah our gift got tossed to the side and she was in love with her new brain. And still is to this day!

Eliana's dinner finally arrived at 7:00 and she ate it so fast! After that she played with her brain for a little while longer and went back to sleep.


In the morning the doctors came in and have us the news we have been waiting for.
The PET scan & MRI didn't show to much of anything , and they couldn't find the scar tissue that had been found last year. So once we leave they will compare the PET and the MRI and look for more clues to what is causing her seizures. We will have to send the the MRI results from here in order to find the scarring. As for her EEG. There was irritability in one part of her frontal lobe in the first 24 hours. Which was surprising because this whole time we were told that her entire brain is effected. So once they look at the MRI hopefully we can get more answers. If they do find scar tissue ,they're talking about a possible brain surgery for her so they can remove it and that MAY stop her seizures. Pretty risky.
The 24 hour EEG turned into a "over 48 hour EEG. They wanted to capture something on the EEG to see exactly where and why she was having seizures ( luckily they did) They We're in the talks about triggering her seizures by slowly taking her off her meds so they can capture her actual seizures but because she has been doing so well lately and the severity of her seizures it's just to risky and they decided not to do that ...whew...
Another thing, they had found out Ana has case of Anxiety. When she is around people she starts to "lock up" and begins to twist and stare and not talk just as she was having a seizure. The Epileptologist saw this for her self and though she was having a seizure when actuality the EEG didn't pick it up and she was having a lot of anxiety. She is going to therapy and I think she will eventually get better with time.
The last test they did was a blood ("gene test") test to see is she has Dravet Syndrome. Just because her Epilepsy path has followed this syndrome closely,from when and how they originated to her delays and how severe they get. They just want to start ruling things out!( prayers please)

Dravet syndrome, also known as Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (SMEI), is a rare and  catastrophic form of intractable epilepsy that begins in infancy. Initial seizures are most often prolonged events and in the second year of life other seizure types begin to emerge. Development remains on track initially, with plateaus and a progressive decline typically beginning in the second year of life. Individuals with Dravet syndrome face a higher incidence of SUDEP (sudden unexplained death in epilepsy) and have associated conditions, which also need to be properly treated and managed. These conditions include:

behavioral and developmental delays
movement and balance issues
orthopedic conditions
delayed language and speech issues
growth and nutrition issues
sleeping difficulties
chronic infections
sensory integration disorders
disruptions of the autonomic nervous system (which regulates things such as body temperature and sweating)

Children with Dravet syndrome do not outgrow this condition and it affects every aspect of their daily lives.

Unless a cure or better treatments for Dravet syndrome and associated epilepsies are found, individuals with these disorders face a diminished quality of life. Current treatment options are extremely limited and the prognosis for these children is poor. The constant care and supervision of an individual with such highly specialized needs is emotionally and financially draining on the family members who care for these individuals.

Prayers for our Ana that she doesn't have this!


Well upon discharging we found out that some wrestlers from the WWE wanted to stop by and visit Eliana. Let's just put it this way , Eliana go very overwhelmed and they quickly I had to leave the room!. Lol. But they did give her a plush toy, I thought that was nice ( which she eventually gave it to her brother, I think it brought back the memories. Lol)

WWE visit UCLA Mattel Children's hospital

Overall this trip have us some answers and Piece of mind. However , because Eliana's seizure are so detrimental and life risking she will be on medication for the rest of her life. But it's ok , because me and her daddy will do anything we can for her.

❤ Eliana we are in this Journey together . We will ALWAYS be here for you, you will never be alone, we will be holding your hand along the way. Every step Eliana . You're such a strong person and We admire your strength and your upbeat attitude to keep laughing and smiling throughout it all. Mommy and Daddy love you dearly!

Everything UCLA has given Eliana 
 I'm Home! YAY! 
In the taxi. Worn out after a week in the hospital 
The brain and teddy she got 
 Poolside in L.A
After the PET & MRI 
WWE gave Ana is plush toy 
Making a wish leaving the Hospital 
 WWE Came with gifts 
Her gift from DIVA & Hornswoggle  from the WWE
Getting her leads put back on 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Early morning "pokey"

Eliana was woken up early to start her day. First thing on the list: nothing to eat by mouth until after 1:00pm 2nd thing on the list get an IV started ( too early in the morning to get a "pokey") Like always Eliana was very brave and compliant. She didn't move and cried a little bit. They got the IV in quickly without a hitch. Soon after the IV kept leaking fluids and blood. Nurses were in the room all morning trying to fix the faulty cap... All 3 of them . Yup, had to change Ana's tubing and caps on her IV three times! Luckily, they didn't have to re-stick her. Several doctors came in throughout the morning explaining what was on the agenda and seeing how Ana did overnight. Which she did wonderful by the way.


Mid morning the Epileptologist and another doctor came in to let me know Ana has done pretty well. There is some spikes on her EEG in her sleep but overall it's looking good so far.

What's the GAME PLAN?
Ok, here is what we know so far, at 1:00pm Eliana will get her PET Scan . They will inject Ana with Radio Active glucose (super cool sugar in other words) they will watch how it travels and breaks down in her brain for 30 minutes and then she will be sedated for the remainder of her PET scan. Then they will remove Eliana's leads that's connected to her head for her EEG and get her ready for her MRI . She will be sedated for the MRI as well. When those procedures are completed she will be reattached to the leads To resume the EEG.
The doctors are in the talks of provoking her seizures by weaning her off her meds. As well as checking into the possibility of something else wrong that could be triggering her seizures , delays and looking into her being a candidate for brain surgery.

We are in the Neuro Diagnostic Suite
Eliana had done great up to the time where she had to be prepared for the PET SCAN. She held up as long as she could tucking those feelings of unknowing and being frightened down but when push came to shove she broke down. When she was placed on the "stretcher bed" in the PET scan is what triggered her to cry then they administered her anesthesia it burned her . She was screaming for me ( I was next to her holding her hand) and saying she needed me. I felt horrible for her, she's hungry , scared then to fall asleep on that note just broke my heart. She quickly fell asleep, she was awake for less than 30 seconds after the anesthesia was administered to when she fell asleep. The Anesthesiologist wouldn't allow anyone in the room. So I'm now outside waiting on my Princess.

** You're doing great Ana ! Your just so STRONG and BRAVE baby. We're almost done with all of this. ❤

Up early in the morning to get a IV

BEFORE HER anesthesia
HER "Pokey"


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Eliana's admission and 24 hour EEG

"Eventful" day will not begin to describe Eliana's day today. Started early with yummy breakfast and. Fun ride in the Taxi all the way to UCLA Hospital. Admission took 2 hours! Luckily Eliana had her doctor kit and her teddy , "Doc" near with her to keep her busy. After being admitted in We had to wait an additional hour in which time we got a bite to eat. That was definitely a highlight of Eliana's day:-) because when we went out to eat there were doctors everywhere, Eliana was so overwhelmed with excitement , she would say ," Hi Doctors ,I'm a Doctor too!". My baby girl was just so excited,for anyone who knows my baby you know she wants to be a Doctor. I'm glad she will always have this memory in her mind and her heart. After lunch we went to the gift shop where she found it... Yes" IT "... A doctor scrub outfit and doctor kit. That was another highlight of her day . Of course we bought it

          Now to the dirty work
Admitted , on to the pediatric ward. Ana dressed in her scrubs and was ready for her evaluation and to be hooked up for her 24 hour EEG.
The nurses were so nice and took great care of Ana. After being hooked up to the EEG for about an hour several nurses and doctors came in. The doc evaluated the EEG and noticed some abnormalities but nothing "major" and we would the full reading tomorrow. Ana was very over whelmed and stopped talking, stiffened up and had lots of jerks and shoulder shrugs... Luckily it was taped And a doctor did witness her Episode.  It took Ana a while to come around and be herself again , but she came Around:-). The nurse ended up bringing Ana a gift , making her a name badge and bringing some yummy ice cream. ( ice cream always makes everything better)
Now we sit and wait.

Tomorrow early Morning she will not be able to eat after 6:00 am because she has a PET/CAT scan and following that will be an MRI. She will be sedated for those procedures:-(
So, that means early morning poke with a IV Needle. we may have to do some
Genetic testing and forced seizure activity but we will find all that out tomorrow.
Until then , have a Great night and we'll have updates tomorrow !

Good night my Eliana, you've done great today and your strength never seizes to amaze me sweetheart! I love you with all my heart night-night

So far...

Yesterday was quite a day! Started bright an early, off to the airport. Eliana was a little nervous but I think her excitement took over once she found out that she was going to be in a airplane high in the sky! Eliana did remarkably well, and we were able to board first on every flight! When we flew to Phoneix there was a cart there waiting for us so we got on the cart and Zoom we were off ago the next gate. Eliana really enjoyed the ride, she would occasionally wave at people like she was on a parade float, lol. When we got to our gate we had a 2 hour layover which was kind of overwhelming for her because of all the people around her. She would want to go to the bathroom a lot just to get away from the crowds. Once we were called to board Eliana immediately took the window seat buckled in and was ready for take off. Once our plan set off for its final destination I noticed Ana having some mini spells and tugging at her ear.m she developed an ear infection earlier in the week and that really. Bothered her in the flight...soon after her spells she immediately feel sleep for the entire 1hr 15 min flight. Once we landed in LAX she was ready to go again! The cab drive was exciting g for her and the change of scenery was interesting . Once we got to our hotel we ordered pizza and had a fun girls night inn! She jumped on the beds gave her little bear "doc" it's nightly check-up and watched Stars in Earn Stripes( I think that is what's it called) Overall she had a eventful day!
We will wake up early and prepare for a day of tests and procedures. GOOD LUCK ELIANA, your going to do GREAT!!!

I love you  xoxoxo

Boarding the plane
On the cart..zooming through the airport
 Looking at the clouds 
On my second flights
IT's been a long day , time to rest with her teddy bear" Doc"
Posing in LAX 
Time for Pizza 
In the cab 
 Flight attendant gave her wings!