It's Been a While since I've hoped on here to share what has been going on with my daughter. There has been a few ups and downs and some changes that has taken place.
So where do I start?

Well How about school... The last you heard Eliana may be having to go into full-time Special Education. Well that has changed, She now will have a aid that will help her for one hour through the day with the things that she struggles with. Going through the first year of school I thought she did fairly well. There is still many things that she can not do. When I go into her classroom you see all the kids art work on the wall and Eliana's is the easiest to spot becuse she is the one that has noting or close to nothing on the page or she can't write her name, Identify letters ,number and colors. However she is able to stay in class and see the other kids perform at or above grade level and that can be a good way for her to push herself and to have goals. She is in speech therapy at school But I just don't know if it is actually helping. I was really surprised when Eliana told me that they were not even seeing her. I was shocked that no one notified me. I have noticed her speech slipping a little. And it is strange because sometimes my baby can talk perfectly fine and most days she is stuttering so much she cant get a complete sentence out with out. For a while she opted to just not talk. and I'm so happy that she is out of that. Our family is very vocal and I'm hoping that we are setting the example for her to speak and explain what it is that she wants. For so long people would tell me they never heard her speak and it wasn't until one day I took a step back and told our eldest daughter to really notice if she was talking or not. It sounds really strange but my daughter would just look at me or murmur and noise and to me it was her talking because I knew exactly what she wanted without hearing the exact words... My daughter was the same way. We realized it was true she didn't really talk and we had to make some changes. Even know I have to check myself when I find here slipping into that habit of not speaking. Overall she is becoming more vocal . We are working with her to assist her in her education and finding ways to reach her.
This is an ongoing process for us all, and she may get frustrated with things but my baby alwasy has a smile on her face and keeps pressing forward dispite the hardships she has in her way. Ilove her for that amongst so many other things. She so strong.. I love you Eliana.
Does anyone know of any online course and games to help children with speech and letter number and color recognition? Please leave it below and I'll check it out!
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